Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.

Thomas Merton

Photo: Lynn Mackie

Mother, Author, Artist

Photo: Lynn Mackie

Check Out My New Book

Check Out My New Book

The mysterious shipment, disguised as medicine, is ready to be sent to terrorists overseas. The last step is to contact the Germans and confirm the ‘goods,’ but the translator, discovered to be an FBI plant, is eliminated. Robert Gracini, hoping to overthrow the Mafia don, knows that this venture is key to his success. With no time to lose, he replaces the translator with his ex-wife who speaks and writes the language fluently. Kidnapping their child guarantees her cooperation.

Maria Gracini has not seen nor spoken to her ex-husband in years but by taking the small child, Robert has pulled her back into the dangerous world she thought she had left long ago. She knows Robert is a mad man who will cut down anyone who gets in his way – even his own child. She finds herself embroiled in a world of deceit, terror and murder.

She’ll do anything to protect her son but her lies, secrets and erratic behavior cause confusion and mistrust from those who know her. While Robert demands her silence, her friends demand the truth. Maria walks a tight rope where one small slip means someone’s death.

In A Child’s Ransom, Maria finds the true meaning of strength, resilience and loyalty − in herself, her friend and a perfect stranger.

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